- Computer - Sales, Service & upgrade
Remember the last time you used your computer and a
report or project was due the next day and it was 10:00pm, all the stores
closed and you have a blue screen. Uptime is open 24/7, whether your
machine is broken or running slow we will be ready to service you.
Network design/update/repair

Your internet connection is not working, or you would
like to add a wireless connection.
Whe ther you want to know how to run some program or maintain your system,
we have a trainer ready to help. We also have a program called
HELPING HAND, we can remotely help you thru a task or problem.
"I am so mad, how
do I add this column and link it to another column" Thru the web we
can monitor your problem and show you what you're doing wrong. |
- Data recovery and backup

Have you every turned your pc on to
find a black screen, you haven't done a save in years. We can save all your
data before a repair is ever started, securing all those digital pictures and personal data.
- Helping hand connection
Wheth er you need a problem fixed on your computer or your
having problems setting up outlook mail, we can log onto your computer and
guide you thru the process.
Pc remote access setup
Have you ever got to work and forgot a file on your home computer,
let us show you how to log into your computer from anywhere in the world and
retrieve anything you need.